Bunch of Flowers™ tea 50g


A cup of this tea leads you into a large flower garden, where the aroma and taste of plants such as Elderflower, Orange blossom, Acacia and Marigold combine to improve our mood, soothe and help create physical and mental harmony. The tea blend is based on a bed of White Tea and has a special flowery scent.


Everyone needs little daily pleasures. If you want to dream for a moment and escape to distant exotic landscapes and reach out for your refreshing floral tea. Maybe it will be the elegant Elderflower. Lavender and Marigold hug in this infusion that will drive away the stress into distant mountains.

Imagine having a bunch of flowers in a cup with an Elderflower aroma and sweet floral taste. The Bunch of Flowers™ tea gives you just that. Floral ingredients skillfully blended with an exquisite White Tea give a refreshing but homely experience.

The majestic White Tea gives the drinker a small caffeine boost whilst the Elderflower and Lavender drive the taste sensation. The other flowers add to the experience in a very subtle way but increase the health benefits considerably.


This information is provided for educational and informational purposes. It is not provided to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Legally, we are unable to make these claims directly, but we urge you to review the clinical references we list on this site and conduct your own research. These products are intended for dietary supplement purposes only. Whilst we are professional herbalists, and every care has been taken to provide accurate and up-to-date information, as a consumer, you should always consult your healthcare professional before consumption, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition or are taking medications. We do offer free personal consultations for solutions specific to your needs.


Additional information

Weight50 g


Traditionally used to control obesity, assist weight loss, and control constipation (for our specialised teas for constipation click here (constitution tea, senna tea with acacia, elderflower)).

Rich in antioxidants, with great anti-Inflammatory. properties.


Colour: Golden
Aroma: Elderflower
Initial Taste: Flowery
Midtones: Sweet flowery
Aftertaste: Elderflower
Body: Medium-Full
Caffeine Content: Light


Lemon balm | Elderflower | Marigold | Sunflower | Lavender | Jasmine | Rose petals | Camomile | Cornflower | White tea


Clinical References

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